Saturday, September 12, 2009

Divine Appointments or Chance Happenings

Dick and Bettie.......I am delighted to have "run into" you folks at Fred Meyer's. When Bettie's need for specific prayer was announced I did not know who she was then. But I was looking for my friend last Saturday because we always sit together during the second hour service time frame. There sat your husband Bettie he was quietly doing what we all should do. Valuing God's sanctuary. I know from experience that when one's dearest is suffering that we find ourselves in a "place" that perhaps we've never been before. When Vickie inquired about Bettie I made the connection as to who you are. I appreciate your curtesy during my momentary "chit chat" last Saturday. Our chance meeting at the gocery store a week later affirms that even "small talk" can be a path to further opportunities UNTO THE LORD blessings. Otherwise we would have just passed by as strangers do in any public place. As a congregation from a wide geographical area we really need to network within our communities. I can pray for both of you more from the heart having been "run into". The name is Dacy as in Driving Miss Daisy movie. Hope the week goes well for you. Dora